RTC cannot be synchronized with Motorshield

i question to Motorshield VMA03. If I use this motorshield with the adafruit RTC Datalogger I cannot synchronize the RTC on the Datalogger. If I doesn´t use this Motorshield the RTC synchronizes without problems. The Datalogger needs pins 10-13 for the SD Card, I use pins 3 and 4 of the Motorshield for a DC Motor. Does VMA03 uses this pins to communicate with Arduino?
What can be the Problem?

Not sure which pins you refer to.
Please check the diagram on page 9 of KA03, it will allow you to determine if and to what the pins are connected.

I just could find this datasheet velleman.eu/downloads/0/modu … _vma03.pdf
What do you mean with page 9 ?

In the manual you refer to, the diagram can be found on page 3.
I was referring to the kit manual.

yes i saw this diagramm. But you only can configurate the motorshield with jumpers. I just take away the jumpers from Slots SK11, SK9,SK10, so that just a jumper SK8 left for Pin 3. The motor rotates.
If set the jumper to SK9 and just upload a sketch like this [int motorPin=9;
int Pin=8;

byte pwm=150;

void setup()
analogWrite(motorPin, 150);


void loop()
the Port B works. If I make the sketch more comlicated by using a tempsensor and Datalogger the motor doesn´t work anymore or i see tke LD1 blinking green. The LD2 should blink in this case.
Why does this happens?