Rotating STL Files

I’ve been doing some testing with various objects downloaded from Thingiverse (+ a few that I’ve deliberately drawn using an incorrect orientation).

When printing objects (downloaded or drawn) that lay flat on the print bed they print fine. BUT, problem I’m having, any object that I download and rotate ends up with shifting layers mid print.

The Velleman default CPU cover is a good example. It’s drawn face up, meaning it needs to be printed with supports, however rotated 180 degrees (face down on the bed) it needs 0 supports and should print in less time / less PLA. But, rotating it is somehow creating layer shifts.

I’ve tried using, MatterControl, Slic3r and also RepetierHost to slice it, with the same results each time which says to me that something to do with the rotation is the issue.

Are there any specific steps I need to complete when rotating an object? Obviously, an object which has been drawn on either the xz, or yz axis will mainly need rotating to print properly.

When you adjusted the reference voltage for the motor drivers what did you set them at?
The manual says 0.425
0.55 is the sweet spot you can set them up to 0.6 but do not go over.
They will over heat and start doing stupid things.
Simply flipping the STL over should not cause skipped steps.

All stepper motors are calibrated to 0.56v. All prints are fine, except anything I rotate.
Definately something to do with rotating STL files.

After you rotate them are “Center Object Button”?

Good Question, not generally because I make the assumption it’s already centred.

Will try a test print to see if ‘Center Object’ makes a difference.

Good news,

I’ve successfully printed 2 pieces, both of which have previously failed to print (more than once) due to shifting layers.

So it seems that, rotate, lay flat, and centre object does have an affect.


Glad to hear it’s working now.

Happy printing!!