Retraction in S3d

Make fine prints with Vertex Repetier but now I have to print an object with infill only. I think this can’t be done in Repetier so I moved to Simplify3d where I can set top, bottom and shells to zero. I am using the optimized settings from Jakemog22 and it does print but I have a regularly retraction in the extruder, even when printing straight lines. Altered some settings but it won’t help. There’s no clogged nozzle or something like that, when I print with Repetier, it’s ok.
Someone an idea?


[quote=“svdv”]but now I have to print an object with infill only. I think this can’t be done in Repetier [/quote]Actually it can be done in Cura : in the “Structures” tab of the Settings, uncheck “Solid top Infill” and “Solid Bottom Infill”.

Thanks Raby, Yes it can, but the shell thickness can´t be set to zero… But now I realise that maybe it can be set to 0,01 to have no shell’s printing? I’ll try it.