Resolved Repetier Host crash/No connection Windows XP

The college I go to bought one of the K8200 Kits, and our wonderful Technician put it together.

But he could not get it to connect to a PC, with any version of Repetier. He was looking hacked off mummbling about “bloody windows” so I thought I would give him a helping hand.

The software looked like it was connected, but there was no feedback information in the “about the printer” box from the menu.

Then sooner or later, every time a windows error message would pop up “repetier host is not responding” etc

Then if you tried to run Repetier again it would crash before it opened. Forcing you to reboot the machine to have another go at getting annoyed.

We would also get the message “SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs” from Repetier too.

The USB Virtual Com Port all installed ok, and we setup the correct com port ID as found in device manager as the device in Repetier.

Read all the user manual, set everything up as stated but still wouldn’t work. Not being one to give up…

I came digging on this forum last week for a long late night, and I took note of some pointers!! What we did was:-

Ensure the supplied ferrous core is correctly installed to the power supply, and the correct votage was present.
Ensure Windows was updated to service pack 3
Ensure “Microsoft Visual C++ 2008 SP1 Redistributable” was installed
Ensure your Graphics card has the proper drivers installed including “Open GL” support - OURS WAS NOT!!!

So to reduce possibilities we started with a clean install of Windows XP, installed all the service packs, the graphics cards drivers etc.

Then we installed the FTDI virtual com port drivers from here

Then we installed Repetier host from here

Then we plugged in the USB cable for the x8200 printer, allowsing windows to “install the device for the first time”

Then looked in device manager to find out which com port number it had created.

We then ran Repetier for the first time, set up the printer as per the manual with our com port number.

Then pressed connect…

And it worked!! We could control the printer via the manual control interface.

I think the OpenGL Display driver issue was our stumbling block.

Good luck with your troubles, YOU CAN GET IT WORKING!!!

[quote]We would also get the message “SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs” from Repetier too.[/quote]This indicates communication problems, usually an incorrect baud rate.