Residu on plastic after printing / Too much plastic


I have a recurent problem with my K8400. When I print something, I have like too much plastic…
There is some photo that will help you too understand:

My configuration:
Layer height: 0.15mm (in the picture)
Retraction Enabled (Minimum travel = 1.5mm, minimal extrusion before retracting = 0.02mm)
Fill density : 25%
Print speed: 50 mm/s
PLA at 205°
Filament diameter: 1.73
Flow: 73%

If I put less flow, there is not enough plastic and there is like small hole on the piece.
Any idea what I could do ?

Thank you !

Use 3 mm retraction at 150mm/sec. And try lowering the temperature to 195° (or even 190°). And uncheck the cool head lift option.

I tried that, it’s better but I still have some problem…
Now the plastic don’t stay well on the heated bed. Do you now if I can got hotter with PLA ? Now I put it at 55°C.
Then, does i have to put a value in the case “Z hope when retracting” ? It’s 0.00 now, but it’s sayed that a value of 0.075 is good.
Thanks !

Looks like you’re either printing too hot or over extruding. Which PLA are you using?
Why not use the standard 0.1mm profile?