Reprap MK3 Heatbed Heats up as soon as k8400 is plugged in


I seem to have a rather odd problem with my RepRap MK3 Heated by I installed yesterday.

As soon as i plug in the printer the heated bed starts heating up without any software command. Everything i do in repetier ( enabeling or disabeling in manual control, setting a different temperature ) doesnt matter. the Heated bed keeps heating up.

Temperature readings from the thermister are perfect. Room temperature when not turned on. Rising while plugged in. Cooling down after being heated up. That all seems to work fine.

Nut i have No control over how the heated bed heats up.

Anyone with an idea to help me ? Thank you in advance :slight_smile:


I guess the MosFet of your powerexpander is damaged and is constantly shorted now…

Kind Regards

Aha !

Then i should ty re-installing a new power expander board. Hope that fixes it :slight_smile:

Thank you for the input so far ! I’ll be ordering a new power expander board :slight_smile: