Does anyone know what’s wrong here?
I upgraded my K8200 with a Reprap Discount Full Graphics Smart Controller.
With marlin 1.06 and firmware 2.1.1 the printer worked with the controller.
The one thing not working with this firmware is the Auto bed leveling.
For that you must use Arduino 1.6 or higher with a firmware from Github.
The firmware from Velleman is missing a lot of files that you need.
After a lot of youtubing & googeling i finaly have the Smart Controller to show something but it’s not what i can work with. The menuitems are not showing anyting. You don’t know what you choose in the menu.
Something is wrong with the characterset i think.
I want to try it my selve but i don’t want to screw my whole configuration.
If someone could help me that would be very nice.
Thank you