Replacement probe for HPS40?

I started getting anomalous results from my HPS40, and tracked it down to a dodgy connexion at the BNC fitting. I.e., it’ll work if I put radial pressure in the right direction on the fitting.

I might be able to disassemble the fitting and repair it, but I’d like to be able to obtain a replacement probe if it’s irreparable or I ruin it utterly. Unfortunately, I can’t find any information in the manual or on the Velleman site about replacement probes.

Is the PROBE60S ( compatible with the HPS40? And is there a contact eddress for VellemanUSA?


Spare probe order code: PROBE60S

You can contact Velleman Inc at (817) 284 77 85 for list of distributors or other info.

Or for a list of distrbutors in the USA you can click on the link below

Velleman does not make direct sales.