Replacement CPU for K8061

Hello Velleman!

i managed to insert the K8061 CPU in wrong way
when i was doing the component assembly and the CPU burned
on first power up.

my question is if there are any
replacement CPU:s to be sold, all the other
components are ok and it feels little bad to
have to throw away(recycle) rest of the kit
if there isn´t any CPU replacement.


You can send me the bad CPU to:

Velleman NV
Attn. Pascal De Petter
Legen Heirweg 33
9890 Gavere

Include very clearly your own address, and i will send you a replacement.

Thanks Pascal

i have sent the K8061 CPU to Velleman

and thanks again for giving this fine support :slight_smile:

Hi I would like to purchase a new CPU for K8061. I trust this is a correct replacement (see link below)?

Are these chips plug &play or do I need to program it to make it compatible with the board?
Thank you.