Repetier settings for linux

The download on is an exe, so of no use on linux.
Can you provide the settings needed. I had no problem downloading and installing repetier on my linux computer, but now I need the settings so I can correctly set everything. Your manual website does not provide the actual settings, just a general ‘download repetier’.

So please, can you post somewhere the actual settings for use in linux?

[quote=“benny.malengier”]The download on is an exe, so of no use on linux.
Can you provide the settings needed. I had no problem downloading and installing repetier on my linux computer, but now I need the settings so I can correctly set everything. Your manual website does not provide the actual settings, just a general ‘download repetier’.

So please, can you post somewhere the actual settings for use in linux?[/quote]
We are still waiting on the OS X settings. Join the club.

I made a thread about running repetier on linux where I posted a cura engine config file that I exported from a windows computer. I have not noticed any major problems with using that

Has anyone tried Octoprint on the K8400?

Hello folks,

now I was able to get RepetierHost startet on Linux/Debian.
I run it with mono installed.
It is NOT the vertex-Version but the plain 1.06 from
Why? Because you need to use mono on linux and the vertex-version does not work with mono…

These are my settings. After my first successful print with RepetierHost.
So no calibration and finetuning so far but at least it works and they are may be a good starting point.

…files deleted see my newer posting …

I would be glad if you would exchange with us any changes that you make.

If you got errors on opening stl-files you might try to delete this file: ~/.recently-used or “mv ~/.recently-used ~/.recently-used_bak”.

I’ve tried also some other software on linux like repsnapper and Cura (Ultimaker) as well as skeinforge. But the best results I got with RepetierHost (so far) AND CuraEngine as slicer. You can really hear the difference between repsnapper-slicings and curaengine-slicings! the last makes accelerating moves and real curves/bows.

Thanks all. All is working with the windows exported settings.

I’m changing settings here and there for the ABS I’m using, 245 degrees is really high, my replicator prints at 225. Movement of the xyz is good. But it seems I have a clogged nozzle already …

I can confirm that the settings on this page worked on my K8400.

I had previously used settings from
which had severe Y-axis shift problems.

Hi forum,

Thanks for providing the settings. I can figure out that the cura.ini file is imported in the first CuraEngine config “print” tab, the second Default.ini file is for the “filament” tab, but where is the third “MyDefault.ini” loaded? I only have two tabs, or is it because my printer isn’t connected?



I just want to update my data for all of you who want to use RepetierHost on linux. Just to repeat again: I’m using Debian on kernel 3.18 amd64.
Further details can be found above, in my last post.

Here you find the most interesting files :~/.local/share/RepetierHost/composition0.stl ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/composition.amf ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/composition.gcode ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/cura.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/repetier.log ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/slic3r.ini

Additionaly I created these files by adding my printer so there is a new subfolder containing my modifications:

~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/Default.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_grau.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_SW.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_weiß.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/print/Default.ini ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/print/langsam.ini

Now I also found out how to configure the endstop position so movement in the manual control tab is now working correctly.
Here you’ll get my ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/cura.ini[code]layerThickness = 205
initialLayerThickness = 300
filamentDiameter = 1750
filamentFlow = 90
extrusionWidth = 400
layer0extrusionWidth = 400
insetCount = 2
infillOverlap = 15
initialSpeedupLayers = 4
initialLayerSpeed = 15
printSpeed = 17
infillSpeed = 62
inset0Speed = 21
insetXSpeed = 62
moveSpeed = 53
fanSpeedMin = 50
fanSpeedMax = 100
supportAngle = 60
supportEverywhere = 0
supportLineDistance = 2666
supportXYDistance = 700
supportZDistance = 150
supportExtruder = -1
retractionAmount = 4000
retractionSpeed = 40
retractionMinimalDistance = 1500
retractionAmountExtruderSwitch = 16000
retractionZHop = 105
minimalExtrusionBeforeRetraction = 20
enableCombing = 1
multiVolumeOverlap = 0
objectSink = 0
minimalLayerTime = 5
minimalFeedrate = 10
coolHeadLift = 0
extruderOffset[0].X = 0
extruderOffset[0].Y = 0
fixHorrible = 0
fanFullOnLayerNr = 1
supportType = 0
infillPattern = 2
sparseInfillLineDistance = 2000
downSkinCount = 3
upSkinCount = 3
skirtDistance = 0
skirtLineCount = 8
gcodeFlavor = 0
spiralizeMode = 0
enableOozeShield = 0
autoCenter = 0
startCode = “”"
; Default start code
G28 ; Home extruder
G1 Z9 F100
M107 ; Turn off fan
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
; Activate all used extruder
M104 T0 S190
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature
M109 T0 S190
endCode = “”"
; Default end code
;G1 X0 Y0 Z130 ; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use!
M107 ; Turn off fan
; Disable all extruder
G91 ; Relative positioning
G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure
M104 T0 S0
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed
M84 ; Turn steppers off
preSwitchExtruderCode = “”"

postSwitchExtruderCode = “”"


This is my ~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/print/langsam.ini

[print] name = langsam defaultQuality = Put_your_GUID_here travelSpeedMin = 50 travelSpeedMax = 90 firstLayerSpeedMin = 15 firstLayerSpeedMax = 20 infillSpeedMin = 60 infillSpeedMax = 90 infillType = 2 innerPerimeterMin = 30 innerPerimeterMax = 50 outerPerimeterMin = 20 outerPerimeterMax = 40 printSpeedMin = 15 printSpeedMax = 40 nozzleDiameter = 0 gcodeFlavour = 0 retractionCombing = True multiVolumeOverlap = 0 cutOffObjectBottom = 0 shellThickness = 0.8 infillTopBottomThickness = 0.6 infillDensityPercent = 20 supportType = 0 platformAdhesion = 0 dualExtrusion = 0 wipeAndPrimeTower = False oozeShield = False enableRetraction = True retractionSpeed = 40 retractionDistance = 4 multiExtruderSwitchAmount = 16 startGCode = """ ; Default start code G28 ; Home extruder G1 Z9 F{Z_TRAVEL_SPEED} M107 ; Turn off fan G90 ; Absolute positioning M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode {IF_BED}M190 S{BED} ; Activate all used extruder {IF_EXT0}M104 T0 S{TEMP0} G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position ; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature {IF_EXT0}M109 T0 S{TEMP0} """ endGCode = """ ; Default end code ;G1 X0 Y0 Z130 ; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use! M107 ; Turn off fan ; Disable all extruder G91 ; Relative positioning {IF_EXT0}T0 {IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure M104 T0 S0 G90 ; Absolute positioning G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed M84 ; Turn steppers off """ preSwitchExtruderCode = postSwitchExtruderCode = wipeAndPrimeTowerVolume = 15 retractionMinimumTravel = 1.5 minimumExtrusionBeforeRetract = 0.02 zhop = 0.105 skirtLineCount = 1 skirtDistance = 3 skirtMinimumLength = 150 solidInfillTop = True solidInfillBottom = True infillOverlapPercent = 15 supportStructureType = 0 supportOverhang = 60 supportFillPercent = 15 supportDistanceXY = 0.7 supportDistanceZ = 0.15 supportExtruder = -1 spiralizeOuterContour = False brimWidth = 3 raftExtraMargin = 4 raftLineSpacing = 1 raftBaseThickness = 0.3 raftBaseWidth = 0.7 raftInterfaceThickness = 0.2 raftInterfaceLineWidth = 0.2 raftAirGap = 0 raftAirGapLayer0 = 0 raftSurfaceLayer = 1 fixCombineEverythingA = False fixCombineEverythingB = False fixKeepOpenFaces = False fixExtensiveStitching = False fanFullAtHeight = 0.5 minimumSpeed = 10 coolHeadLift = False numQuality = 1 [quality_0] name = 0.2 mm signature = Put_your_GUID_here layerHeight = 0.205 layer0widthPercent = 100 firstLayerHeight = 0.3

And here are my filamentfiles for PLA in grey, black and white.
~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_grau.ini

[filament] name = PLA_grau diameter = 1.75 multiplierPercent = 90 printingTemperature = 190 enableCooling = True bedTemperature = 0 fanSpeedMin = 50 fanSpeedMax = 100 minimalLayerTime = 5
~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_SW.ini

[filament] name = PLA_SW diameter = 1.75 multiplierPercent = 85 printingTemperature = 200 enableCooling = True bedTemperature = 0 fanSpeedMin = 50 fanSpeedMax = 100 minimalLayerTime = 5
~/.local/share/RepetierHost/CuraEngine/velleman vertex (k8400)/filament/PLA_weiss.ini

[filament] name = PLA_weiss diameter = 1.75 multiplierPercent = 95 printingTemperature = 192 enableCooling = True bedTemperature = 0 fanSpeedMin = 50 fanSpeedMax = 100 minimalLayerTime = 5

Again, I would be very glad if some of you would share their experiences and modificatons to these ini-files.