Repetier Says it's Printing But No

I’m running Repetier 95F and Windows 7.
I’ve printed out hundreds of parts but now After several reboots with no help I can not print.
Repetier says it’s printing after “Run” but nothing happens. You can see the layers and xyz moves in the software but no physical movement. I also have no control of machine before print except hotend and bed. Although “Home” works I cannot extrude (except by hand) Any thoughts or help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you.

In the lower right corner of manual control there is a button “Dry Run”
Is it on?
If so turn it off

Just checked the “DryRun” it was off.
Also, now when ever I connect to printer it says “7 command waiting” …
Nothing at all works now. I’ve rebooted printer and computer several times.


It looks like you have a communication problem with the printer. I also had “x command waiting” when I had the baudrate mis-configured or when the printer was not powered for instance.

Could you try the following sequence:
-Power on your printer
-Connect Repetier
-Press on the printer’s reset button from the control board.
=>You shall see the hotend and bed temperatures properly refreshed after 5s or so.

I always have to do so for some reason. Let’s hope it works out for you too.
Also, double check you configured repetier to connect onto the right COM port (sorry to mention the obvious but just in case…)

Actually you said in your first post that you could ‘home’ the printer. So you may not (always) have a communication problem…?
I have been chatting in a recent thread where a person could control it’s hot end and bed but none of the stepper motors.
Well, he ended up returning his motherboard to Velleman but I described a few checks that you could perhaps carry out on your own printer just in case your problem is a rather a power supply issue…

Hope this will help.

If you have to press the reset button on each connect.
Go into the printer settings on the first tab make sure “Reset on Connect” is set to disabled

I have successfully printed after installation for weeks, until today.
Suddenly printer does not started for the next print.
Instead number of waiting commands are shown like " 3 commands waiting". Can not get reed of it.
Switching off, disconnecting, resetting, does not help.
Manual control inactive. If used, reported number of waiting commands is increased but no action is performed.
I have read related postings but nothing applies.
What em I supposed to do?

I forgot to mention in previous post that after connecting there is no required text in log field:
Instead only several commands like :
N1 M1102
N1 M110
N2 M1154
N3 T0

Those arereported " 4 commands waiting ".

Loading and slicing is Ok but after “Run Job” log shows "printing… 2358 FPS (or some other number)
and that’s it. Nothing else hapends.



Did you press the rest button?
Please see my earlier post about this.
Also check the output of the power supply.
Should be 15 volts.

Yes, I have pressed the reset button.
Output of the power supply is zero Volts.
What now? I am in Croatia, printer was bought in Austria (at Conrad).