Repetier or Octoprint cannot connect the board K8400

Hi all,

After assembling my printer K8400, It works perfectly from SD Card but when i connect it via USB to the PC / Raspberry PI (Octoprint) is detected as serial COM but I cannot connect to it with repetier/octoprint or any other software. It tries to connect but returns “xxxxxxxxxx”


Issueing the ls command with the board connected I get a positive response ( there is a COM port ). With the board disconnected I get the normal no COM detected.

I´m assuming there’s some protocol error in the board.

Has anyone had some kind of this problem?

P.S. - This board was already flashed with the 1.4 - 2 head firmware.

Thanks in advance,


I give up with OCTOPRINT and keep only the camera,
The liason USB sucked too much current (I think) and I was missing impressions,
even if RASPBERRY has its own power source,
Some people modify the motherboard to give more power, I will not take this risk.