Repetier/CuraEngine settings - SOLVED

I downloaded and installed Repetier-Host from

I was under the impression that this one was already pre-set for the vertex. However it seems that the settigns are basially standard settings. And when running the speed seems to be too high.

Can someone post their RH/CuraEngine settings?

You should download the software from the Velleman site
Also there is a new firmware you should install

I already installed the new v1.1 firmware. I am quite sure the above site is also a Velleman site…

It is indeed.

The CuraEngine from this version is preset for the Vertex but still is an all purpose preset.
It takes time to find the best settings and the Vertex is still new. So don’t expect many people coming with the ultimate setting anytime soon.
You could already try yourself with some calibration STLs and try to improve the results.

I go through the steps outlined in … er-21.html

The first issue is that the downloaded version of repetier is 1.06 whereas the one in the manual is 1.0.5. OK, that’s fine I guess. There isn’t a big blue “Vertex 3D Printer” text. I can live with that. I can connect to the printer. I can home the axes under manual control. I can move the bed down to 100 mm, but not more than that (probably because the printer shape under printer settings is set to 100 mm???). The home position is 200/200/0 as shown on the LCD but 0/0/0 as shown in repetier. When I try to move the Y-axis -10 mm in repetier it actually does this. But repetier still shows 0/0/0 whereas the LCD shows 200/190/0. And after the initial -10 mm it will not move anymore. I can always move the axis manually using the rotary encoder/LCD. Maybe I need to align the X/Y rods? Just strange that it always works using the LCD/rotary enoder.

The following is the CuraEngine settings as I have them:

EDIT: Please note that these settings are NOT the ones provided by Velleman! You should NOT try these as they will NOT work!!!

name = Default
defaultQuality = FkKAckSyJh1HLvLXUzaNZ1U0P6ONt5b9
travelSpeedMin = 150
travelSpeedMax = 150
firstLayerSpeedMin = 30
firstLayerSpeedMax = 30
infillSpeedMin = 60
infillSpeedMax = 100
infillType = 0
innerPerimeterMin = 40
innerPerimeterMax = 80
outerPerimeterMin = 30
outerPerimeterMax = 60
printSpeedMin = 40
printSpeedMax = 60
nozzleDiameter = 0
gcodeFlavour = 0
retractionCombing = True
multiVolumeOverlap = 0
cutOffObjectBottom = 0
shellThickness = 0.8
infillTopBottomThickness = 0.6
infillDensityPercent = 20
supportType = 0
platformAdhesion = 0
dualExtrusion = 0
wipeAndPrimeTower = True
oozeShield = False
enableRetraction = True
retractionSpeed = 40
retractionDistance = 4
multiExtruderSwitchAmount = 16
startGCode = """
; Default start code
G28 ; Home extruder
M107 ; Turn off fan
G90 ; Absolute positioning
M82 ; Extruder in absolute mode
; Activate all used extruder
{IF_EXT0}M104 T0 S{TEMP0}
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
; Wait for all used extruders to reach temperature
{IF_EXT0}M109 T0 S{TEMP0}
endGCode = """
; Default end code
;G1 X0 Y0 Z130 ; Get extruder out of way. Uncomment to use!
M107 ; Turn off fan
; Disable all extruder
G91 ; Relative positioning
{IF_EXT0}G1 E-1 ; Reduce filament pressure
M104 T0 S0
G90 ; Absolute positioning
G92 E0 ; Reset extruder position
M140 S0 ; Disable heated bed
M84 ; Turn steppers off
preSwitchExtruderCode = 
postSwitchExtruderCode = 
wipeAndPrimeTowerVolume = 15
retractionMinimumTravel = 1.5
minimumExtrusionBeforeRetract = 0.02
zhop = 0
skirtLineCount = 1
skirtDistance = 3
skirtMinimumLength = 150
solidInfillTop = True
solidInfillBottom = True
infillOverlapPercent = 15
supportStructureType = 0
supportOverhang = 60
supportFillPercent = 15
supportDistanceXY = 0.7
supportDistanceZ = 0.15
supportExtruder = -1
spiralizeOuterContour = False
brimWidth = 10
raftExtraMargin = 5
raftLineSpacing = 1
raftBaseThickness = 0.3
raftBaseWidth = 0.7
raftInterfaceThickness = 0.2
raftInterfaceLineWidth = 0.2
raftAirGap = 0
raftAirGapLayer0 = 0
raftSurfaceLayer = 1
fixCombineEverythingA = True
fixCombineEverythingB = False
fixKeepOpenFaces = False
fixExtensiveStitching = False
fanFullAtHeight = 0.5
minimumSpeed = 10
coolHeadLift = False
numQuality = 1
name = 0.2 mm
signature = FkKAckSyJh1HLvLXUzaNZ1U0P6ONt5b9
layerHeight = 0.2
layer0widthPercent = 100
firstLayerHeight = 0.3

name = Default
diameter = 1.75
multiplierPercent = 100
printingTemperature = 210
enableCooling = True
bedTemperature = 50
fanSpeedMin = 50
fanSpeedMax = 100
minimalLayerTime = 5

It is indeed.

The CuraEngine from this version is preset for the Vertex but still is an all purpose preset.
It takes time to find the best settings and the Vertex is still new. So don’t expect many people coming with the ultimate setting anytime soon.
You could already try yourself with some calibration STLs and try to improve the results.[/quote]
I am sure that I had to fiddle around with settings myself. But from the webpage: “Velleman became a Repetier Host supporter.Just download our customized Repetier Host, install it and starting printing, it is easy as that. No more troubles with driver installation or fiddling with settings and config files.”

From what I an see, there is nothing customized about repetier, except for the “Ask Velleman” button? :wink:

In any case, going through the page, it specifically states (in bold): “All the settings you find here are preloaded and shouldn’t be altered. If you want you can change and add profiles etc… but Velleman can only support the settings that are preloaded. It is perfectly possible to make the Vertex run faster, accept new materials, etc… by adding and changing profiles here but beware that is also perfectly possible to break your machine! So proceed with caution if you want to experiment with these settings!

…and then in the configuration the settings are nowhere near the ones I have…???

The presets are indeed wrong. It looks like none of the custom Vertex settings are loaded into Repetier…

Are you administrator on your computer?
It could be you have no rights to certain folders on your computer and so Repetier cannot access the files it needs to.

could you try running the program as an administrator and also try if you are able to make your own presets and if you are able to save them.

This could be the problem; I am the administrator, but not on the account I am installing in (I like to keep things separated). I will try to install it as administrator and come back with the result.

For some reason I was not able to right-click and install as administrator (I am on Windows 8.1, so that may be why). But I logged in as administrator and installed repetier there. And all settings are ok now! :slight_smile:

Maybe you should add a note about this in the install section of the manual?

Thanks you very much for the help!

No problem, Glad it helped. We will probably add a note in the download section.

I downloaded and installed Repetier-Host from

I was under the impression that this one was already pre-set for the vertex. However it seems that the settigns are basially standard settings. And when running the speed seems to be too high.

Can someone post their RH/CuraEngine settings?

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