I’m trying to setup a Raspberry Pi as controller for the Vertex. I tried Repetier server but had several connection & GUI problems, as well as not-yet-included functionality, and I’m now looking at Octoprint, which seems more complete. I don’t plan to use a slicer on the RasPi - I plan to use the customized Windows Repetier-Host/Slicer (at least initially) to create a G-Code file, which I’ll upload to the controller for printing.
Whatever I end up with I need to configure the printer/extruder settings in the RasPi SW, and I’m trying to copy the settings from the Vertex Repetier-Host V1.0.6.
I’m unclear on the relationship between settings in the RasPi ‘controller’ for the printer/extruder and what is in the G-Code. Won’t the G-Code include all the necessary parameters for the print, derived from the Repetier-Host & Slicer settings? Are the RasPi’s controller’s printer/extruder settings relevant when using only G-Code? I’m assuming it can be compared with loading the G-Code to an SD-card and just running that.
Can someone explain?
And a Happy New Year!
I must confess that I bought a RPi and a PiCam to do the same, but I notice that Repetier Host has a push notification setting for the app that includes the url address for a web cam that can be sent with each notification, so I’m wondering whether to just buy a cheap Web enabled security camera and use that.
My main aim is to remove the dependency on my desktop PC. I ran a 10 hour job the other day and I had to be careful what I did on the PC to avoid any performance hits or even a crash of Windows during the print. It also means I have to work with the (quite noisy) printer in the same room…
The remote access means I can check occasionally from anywhere, and there’s even a smartphone app (at least for Android).
You can always print from an SD card
But then I don’t have the remote monitoring option.
The question still remains - if I produce G-code from the Vertex Repetier-Host and built-in slicer, then use Octoprint (or Repetier-Server) to run that G-Code, are the printer configuration settings in Octoprint critical?
I think the gcode is all you need to instruct the printer.
But if your main concern is worrying about your pc crashing then you should bear in mind that one of the great advantages of using RH is that if there’s a problem you can often recover the print.
For example I managed to ‘crash’ my printer yesterday 4.5 hours into a 5 hour print by switching a light on that was plugged into the same socket extension. The printer froze, head still hot and touching the print. RH had lost contact with the printer, but by keeping the gcode from that point onwards, plus a little editing, I was able to restart RH, reconnect to the printer and successfully finish the print. This was only possible because RH keeps a record of the last line of gcode executed. You might want to check you’ve got the same ability in Octoprint.
I ve already installed Octoprint on a Pi and connected the Printer.
Just upload the GCode from RH through web Interface and start the Print… Works well!
Thanks for the tips. Good to know about the restart-ability biscuitlad. I just ran a job to test my theory, then I saw your message beemeup.