Hi there
Is it possible to reboot the Velleman VM201 relais board over a TCP connection, instead of a HTTP one?
I need to know that because the web server is crashed, and we can’t do a power cycle because it’s not on our building - it’s a customer system…
Thank you very much for your feedbacks.
With best regards,
When i look into the Delphi API file, i can’t see a reboot command - maybe it’s not documented?
VM201_CMD_AUTH_REQUIRED = $41; // 'A'
VM201_CMD_USERNAME = $55; // 'U'
VM201_CMD_PASSWORD = $57; // 'W'
VM201_CMD_AUTH_OK = $4C; // 'L'
VM201_CMD_AUTH_FAILED = $58; // 'X'
VM201_CMD_CLOSING = $43; // 'C'
VM201_CMD_CHANNEL_NAME = $4E; // 'N'
VM201_CMD_STATUS_REQUEST = $52; // 'R'
VM201_CMD_STATUS = $53; // 'S'
VM201_CMD_SWITCH_ON = $4F; // 'O'
VM201_CMD_SWITCH_OFF = $46; // 'F'
VM201_CMD_TOGGLE = $54; // 'T'
VM201_CMD_PULSE = $50; // 'P'
VM201_CMD_ENABLE_TIMER = $45; // 'E'
VM201_CMD_DISABLE_TIMER = $44; // 'D'
VM201_CMD_TOGGLE_TIMER = $47; // 'G'
VM201_CMD_FORCE_STATUS = $56; // 'V'
Regards, Jan
-> Why the last command described in the Velleman VM201 TCP API manual (http://velleman.co.uk/manuals/vm201.pdf) is "Status (0x53) ?
So that commands are available or not?
VM201_CMD_SWITCH_ON = $4F; // 'O'
VM201_CMD_SWITCH_OFF = $46; // 'F'
VM201_CMD_TOGGLE = $54; // 'T'
VM201_CMD_PULSE = $50; // 'P'
VM201_CMD_ENABLE_TIMER = $45; // 'E'
VM201_CMD_DISABLE_TIMER = $44; // 'D'
VM201_CMD_TOGGLE_TIMER = $47; // 'G'
VM201_CMD_FORCE_STATUS = $56; // 'V'
Don’t really unterstand… maybe that Delphi API is not for the VM201, but its name is “VM201.pas”. (?)
Regards, Jan