Question regarding E3d v6 wiring

The e3d v6 come with a cooling fan do I just wire this up with the other fan?

Thanks for any help guys and gals

The E3D fan is 12V (just like the original cooling fan). The power supply provides 15V.
Best is to put a small resistor in series in order to limit the voltage and current through the fan.
Take a + 30 ohm resistor (2 watt for power dissipation).

If you don’t, the fan will not break down, but you’ll get more noise.

The E3D fan is 12V (just like the original cooling fan). The power supply provides 15V.
Best is to put a small resistor in series in order to limit the voltage and current through the fan.
Take a + 30 ohm resistor (2 watt for power dissipation).

If you don’t, the fan will not break down, but you’ll get more noise.[/quote]What? I am new to circuit electronics. Where do I need to wire up the fan for the e3d-v6, sorry for sounding daft.

Hy, you can keep the original heater cartridge if you want and then you wont have to modify the firmware.
The original cartrige is a 12V33W and then the marlin configuration.h has this value /define PID_MAX 256 /
When I use a 12V40W cartrige, I change the value /define PID_MAX 150 /
I put 150 in a random way, but it works

The E3D cartdridge is 12V 40w. so simply a bit more powerful.
You can use it as a drop in replacement with no changes at all.

For the fan, just get a 33Ohm 1/4W (standars) resistor and put it in series with the fan.
Like so : +15V screw terminal -> 33Ohm resistor -> + wire of the fan
The Hotend fan must be on ALL TIMES, until the hotend is completely cool after printing, to prevent jams.