Question 2 : Motion control

Hi again !

my second question is about motion control.

is it possible to use the same board (k8055 or vm110N) to control and monitor the 3D motion of a device (3 step motors)?

I want to move a detector (3D motion) and then aquire my data and put them in an excell file.

thank you for your answers


[quote]is it possible to use the same board (k8055 or vm110N) to control and monitor the 3D motion of a device (3 step motors)?[/quote]Maybe not possible.
Please see: viewtopic.php?f=4&t=5149

Here seems to be an example project of such working system but with two stepper motors only: … wostep.htm

Here are some other K8055 related example projects: … -index.htm

Dear all,

I am back again.
Now i want to control this motor 28BYJ-48
the problem i have is that the datasheet does mention only the voltage and they say no word about the current i have to drive.

Do you have any idea or sugestion (to don’t burne my 2 motors!)

here is the linck to the datasheept. … 0Passo.pdf

thank you again, in advance


Datasheet says 300 Ohms resistance per phase. According to Ohm’s law at 12 V that’s 40 mA per phase.

Be sure that whatever you use to drive the phases has reverse voltage protection diodes.