Query current OUTPUT states of K8055?

Does the K8055 have command codes (currently not supported by the DLL) that would allow to query the current settings of the output lines and the counter debounce time?

At the moment there are no “read back” functions in the K8055 firmware.

It isn’t terribly critical. Just another piece of the puzzle. The thing is that it is currently possible to open and access one and the same card from multiple applications. That would be useful for example if application X used D1…D4 while application Y is operating on D5 and DAC1. However, since they both would send all values (D1…D8 & DAC1+DAC2) at once with message type 0x05, they would need to a) know about each other and b) exchange information so they don’t constantly trample over each other.

No need to get busy on the firmware just yet. I need to tinker with some more code here before formulating an idea. What I have so far is C code that can access the card directly. It uses setupapi.dll under Windows (very much like the K8055D.DLL does) and libusb 1.0 under FreeBSD. I am thinking in the direction of splitting the entire thing into two parts, one being a library, the other a named pipe based Service (user land device driver in FreeBSD). Such service could take well care of the above problem by keeping track of the output states and mixing the IO from multiple clients together.

As said, I need to tinker with more code. Last time I implemented a Service under Windows was on Win2K. So I’m a bit rusty on that.

[quote]No need to get busy on the firmware just yet. I need to tinker with some more code here before formulating an idea. What I have so far is C code that can access the card directly. It uses setupapi.dll under Windows (very much like the K8055D.DLL does) and libusb 1.0 under FreeBSD. I am thinking in the direction of splitting the entire thing into two parts, one being a library, the other a named pipe based Service (user land device driver in FreeBSD). Such service could take well care of the above problem by keeping track of the output states and mixing the IO from multiple clients together.[/quote]Nice idea indeed!

I think you have seen this thread: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=4492
There are some data about the bytes sent/received to/from the K8055 card: