Quad output Power Supply

I got a idea today Mean Well havet a PSU called QP-320F it can supply 5v 15v 24v and -15v (quad output) my thought was to replace the psu with it and be able to power printer/ mk3 heatbed and a raspberry pi 2 on one psu. It should be possible i think based on what i read on the psu spec.

Anyone havet any good thoughts?

If you want to use a heated bed, the 3A of the 24V channel won’t be enough to power it (needs 6A) .

It is max 5A out of 24v when i read it on meanwell. 120W aint enouph? I should dig up the spec data for the mk3.

20A on 5V
10A on 15V
5A on 24V
1,6A on -15V

Just read the mk3 spec it need just under 4,5A am i not correct?

The expander ned alittle also i gues. Hmm 6A could be right :slight_smile:

My heated bed sucks about 140W (5.8A) when heating (max in the specs is 6A). Meanwell specs for CH3 (24V) give a rated current of 3A and a current range of 0.2 to 5A. Which one is the correct one?