Programming VM201 with javascript / php?

Hi there,
i am a web-developer, i am looking for a hardware which enables me to control real-world-hardware by relays.

For instance: if some one is winning a browser game, he receive a cool bottle of a water as a price.

So i will execute this process from the browser.

This is meant as a Point-of-Sales-Applikation, so no human interaction should be required.

Question: is this thinkable for an PC/Mac connected to VM201?

Is the VM201 programmable in js or php?

If not, which other devices should a looking for…

Thank you



The VM201 itself has a web interface that uses javascript to call an url that toggles a relay.

index.html -> cgi/relay.cgi?toggle=1 (something like that)

So I guess you could call that same url with javascript. It does not have a switch on or switch off function, only toggle! If toggle is enough for you then this is an option.

To retrieve and display the status, the web interface uses javascript as well:

index.html -> status.cgi

This either reports xml or json, I can’t quite remember which one. But the status can be consumed with javascript as well. With today’s jquery this should be a piece of cake.


I tested the CGI interface is working fine
but how do you toggle a relay?
does not work, error: “404: File not found
Use MPFS Upload to program web pages”


It’s probably more like this:


To toggle the first relay