Programming the PIC16F627A for a 2nd time

I just have build the kit no. 8076 (the new programmer for PIC).

I have following problem:

when I programm the PIC for the first time - no problem (so PCB = OK and connection to the pc = OK) - programm in the PIC works perfectly.

When I try to reprogramm the PIC (for a second time), the software of the kit gives following message “THE SETTINGS DON’T MATCH THE PIC IN THE PROGRAMMER”

This message is given when I try to load a HEX-file or when I try to erase the cmplete PIC.

Which settings are they referring to ? (the PIC type is right - 16F627A)
I haven’t change another setting nor the first time, nor the second time(so I use the default settings of the software).

I have taken another NEW PIC (same type) for programming for the first time - no problem.
The second time - see above

Please help !


As additional information for Velleman and RE-Applications -

I get the same message “THE SETTINGS DON’T MATCH THE PIC IN THE PROGRAMMER” when using the PicProg2006 (v2.0.2.5) software with the VM111 (ie K8048) programmer. This is with the PIC16F627 microcontroller shipped with the module installed in the programmer.

If you use the internal oscillator configuration settings, this can happen. In most cases it depends on the used program, if it’s using the data and clock pins for I/O then these pins are occupied by the program and not accessible anymore for programming the pic. In that case the pic is blocked.

The only way to reset the oscillator is to connect the VPP power before the 5VDC. I’m creating an update for this problem by setting the VPP pin high and wait 10sec., in that time you will be able to disconnect and reconnect the 5VDC (red wire). This option will be only available in the “Disable Code Protection” menu and will not be available for the K8048 board because there is no reconnecting option. You will be able to reuse the pic and write it again, reading from it with the internal oscillator bits set will not be possible and will result in the error you mentioned. I’ll notify here when this update is available.

Thanks for your answers.

I have used the internal clock (INTRC_OSC_NOCLKOUT) for a running light with LED’s

I’ll wait until VEL982 has an update for the software.

Please inform me when the update is available


The update is available in the download section of in the “Function” menu there is “Disable Code Delay On” menu, use it to delay the disable code protection issue mentioned earlier. I’ll inform internally to put it on the download section of the Velleman site.

I have downloaded the new programm (V and tried to unlock the PIC but without success.
This is what I have done: I have activated, in the Function menu, the option ‘Disable code delay on’ - then removed the red wire on the board en reconnected it. While the option is still on, I’ve tried to reprogramm the PIC without success. When I put the option off and reprogramm the PIC also no success.
Can you tell me what I must do exactly to unlock the PIC ?

(ps.: I’m a beginner in programming the PIC’s)

Like I said “This option will be only available in the “[color=red]Disable Code Protection[/color]” menu and will [color=red]not be available for the K8048[/color] board because there is no reconnecting option.” After you clicked this menu there will be the “… settings don’t match…” popup, you click OK, after that you will get a popup saying “…The VPP pin will be 10 Sec. high, reconnect the 5VDC (red wire) on SK5 or SK6…” If you click OK, the VPP led will go on for about 10s. [color=red]IN THAT PERIOD[/color] you disconnect and reconnect the red wire.

After this operation you will be able to reuse the pic.

I have tried what you have stated above and now I can re-programm my PIC’s.

Thanks for your help

I just got my new K808 programmer , but I could not make it work. When I trie to write to the Pic16F627 with the ProgPic2, I get the message "No pic on board|Programmer must be set to PGM mode|PIC type mismatched with software… ", even if the switch is in PGM mode, the Pic is on the right place, and the settings are fine, as well.
I have on the /MCLR pin 12V, on the Vdd 5V and on the PGC and PGM 0V when I get the message.
I made myself the Rs232 cable, I have all the six used lines connected.
What could be the problem???

I tried to programm the Pic with the PicProg2006 but then I get the message “The settings don’t match the Pic in the programmer”
Is there anytinhg I can do to make it work?
Please help!

Sorry -it’s about Welleman K8048 pic Programmer

Check if your serial cable is connected like this one on page 10.
Check de directions of diodes D4, D5, D6 and D7.

To see if a card is connected the program (PicProg2006) will pull-up the PGD pin and check if the signal is looped back to the RS232 port (T2 and T3)

And use the site search engine to get more information, just like I did to get my own post.[url]K8048 connection problems]

I checked the cable it seems ok. I checked the T2 an T3 tranzistors when I tried to program the Pic, I found the T2 closed and the T3 opened, and on the 8th and 4th pins of the Rs232 the values are equal to 2,07V.And I found the PGD pin zero! There might be the problem???

Thanks for helping me!

I found the problem, it was something with the Windows XP. I tried on the
Windows 2000 and it worked very well.

i have the same problem in windows XP on my old computer it works fine (with windows 98). Anyone that has a solution for the XP problem it would be much easier for me to connect it to my windows XP computer?

[quote=“VEL982”]If you use the internal oscillator configuration settings, this can happen. In most cases it depends on the used program, if it’s using the data and clock pins for I/O then these pins are occupied by the program and not accessible anymore for programming the pic. In that case the pic is blocked.

… and will not be available for the K8048 board because there is no reconnecting option. [/quote]

Does this mean that the K8048 cannot be used to reprogramme an 8 pin chip that has been programmed to run in the K8048, since the only option is to use the internal oscillator?

What would be the effect of pressing the Reset switch while Vpp is applied? It looks to me as though the output of the 78L12 would be pulled to ground, causing the input of the 78L05 to go to ground. On releasing the Reset switch, would the output of the 78L12 rise fast enough to 13.2V after the output of the 78L05 rose to a sufficient level for the PIC to operate?

[quote=“VEL982”]Like I said “This option will be only available in the “[color=red]Disable Code Protection[/color]” menu and will [color=red]not be available for the K8048[/color] board because there is no reconnecting option.” After you clicked this menu there will be the “… settings don’t match…” popup, you click OK, after that you will get a popup saying “…The VPP pin will be 10 Sec. high, reconnect the 5VDC (red wire) on SK5 or SK6…” If you click OK, the VPP led will go on for about 10s. [color=red]IN THAT PERIOD[/color] you disconnect and reconnect the red wire.

After this operation you will be able to reuse the pic.[/quote]

My programmer used to work fine until i created a program that uses the pins to program the pic.
I’m not using the internal osc but still have this ‘settings don’t match’ error when i try to open a hex file.

I tried this code protection thing but it doesn’t work for me. The red LED is only on for 0.5 sec so there is not enough time to reconnect the red wire! Also the messagebox is different it doesn’t say ‘the vpp pin will be 10 sec high’ but it says this:

What version do you use?

i’m using V2.2.0.0

I’ve got the same problem and broke 2 16F628 yesturday… When the PIC is on the board, the board is not recognized any more in PicProg2006 (v 2 2 0 0) and the message “There is no programmer connected to the pc” appears.

Any idea ?

[quote=“pqa”]Does this mean that the K8048 cannot be used to reprogramme an 8 pin chip that has been programmed to run in the K8048, since the only option is to use the internal oscillator?

Perhaps this can be of interest:
[url]K8048: Reprogramming not possible, possible solution]
I got the same problem with an (8 pins) 12F629: no reprogramming possible with the K8048.
After modification (or bridging) 2 resistors the problem was solved. :smiley: