Hi All,
I am using a P8055-1 and a VM110 to build the PC side of a test rig I can get it to correctly perform on the first run through but after I need to reset it to allow for a new board to tested. I went through the routine of restarting the test procedure to allow for another to be run but find on the re-run the P8055 is not seeing the digital inputs and the DLL crashes with the code 217 0000 9C34.
Just wondering if this a known condition ?, I am running on Win 7 using Visual C#.
Did a Google search for error 217, followed the actions, now the problem seems to when the device or maybe the DLL still crashes and my actions merely mask it.
Interestingly the VM110 board will read the digital inputs while the 8055 won’t, odd don’t you think?