Probleme just befor the print

Bonjour, je ne sais pas pourquoi mais depuis hier, mon imprimante me fait un truc bizar et je ne sais plus quoi faire.

Je lance l’impression, le lit chauffe, tout se passe bien.
Une fois la temperature du lit atteinte, avant de chauffer l’extrudeur, la machine remets les axes à zéro et c’est là que j’ai un problème.

Quand la machine remet l’axe Z à zéro, juste après avoir descendu à la bonne hauteur, il y a un petit bruit, et la tête remonte de 2mm environ.

Après, normal ça chauffe l’extrudeur, et une fois la temperature atteinte l’impression commence, mais ça ne marche pas car la tête est trop haute.

Quelqu’un peut il m’aider, est-ce déjà arriver à quelqu’un ?

Google traduction :

Hello, I do not know why but since yesterday my printer gives me a bizar thing and I do not know what to do.

I will print the bed heater, everything goes well.
Once the temperature reached the bed, before heating the extruder machine commend the axes to zero and this is where I have a problem.

When the machine gives the Z axis to zero, just after going down to the right height, there is a little noise, and head back to approximately 2mm.

After normal it heats the extruder, and once the temperature reached printing starts, but it does not work because the head is too high.

Can someone help me, is it already happen to someone?

It is normal for the extruder to come down and then raise again a little bit. This is normal behavior. It will “search” for the end-stop, click it and then raise again untill the end-stop is not pressed anymore. So maybe your axis is just not calibrated right? If you really think something is not happening like it should, post a video. This way we can see the problem with our own eyes.

You need to check the Z axis make sure it can up and down freely
Maybe oil the rods and lead screw

Je n’ai pas réussi à résoudre mon problème mais j’ai réussi à le contourner.

J’ai effacé tout les paramètres de sluc3r que j’avais enregistré et j’ai tout repris à zéro.
J’ai installé les paramètres slic3r “k8200 standard” et modifié seulement la taille de mes couche pour du 0,2mm et je n’ai plus de problème.

Lorsque je lance une impression, une fois le lit chauffant à la bonne température, la machine de mets à zéro correctement ( x=0 , y=0 , z=0 ) et plus de problème avec l’axe Z, la tête ne remonte plus de quelque millimètres en faisant un couinement mais elle reste à la bonne hauteur ( 0,25mm )

Merci à vous quand même de m’avoir répondu.

Google traduction :

I have not managed to solve my problem but I managed to work around it.

I erased all settings sluc3r I recorded and I started again from scratch.
I installed slic3r parameters “k8200 standard” and only changed the size of my layer of 0.2 mm and I have no more problems.

When I try to print, once the heating bed at the right temperature, the machine properly put to zero (x = 0, y = 0, z = 0) and more problems with the Z axis, the head back over several millimeters by making a squealing but it is at the correct height (0.25 mm)

Thank you to you even when you have answered me.

I think setting the Z-offset to -0.25 in your slic3r settings will solve your problem.

[quote]J’ai effacé tout les paramètres de sluc3r que j’avais enregistré et j’ai tout repris à zéro.
J’ai installé les paramètres slic3r “k8200 standard” et modifié seulement la taille de mes couche pour du 0,2mm et je n’ai plus de problème.[/quote]Had you changed the slic3r settings before the problem?

i have the same problem.
everything is going right. everything is heating up. en at the moment when the printer should start printing, it does nothing at all.
when i click on the stop button on my repetier screen, nothing is happening. heaters are still working. its like the printer is blocking.

the only way to stop the heating is by putting the power off.

Hi Arnevdm,

how constant is the temperature (especially of the extruder) when it’s ready to print? Repeated large variations can keep the printer from recognizing that is has reached the target temperature.


hi kuraasu,

the temperature variation is around 7 degrees i think. but the strange thing is that when it happens i can’t do anything with the buttons in repetier. i can’t stop the heaters with the manual buttons or stop button. the only solution is by turning off my power supply. it’s like there is something with the connection.

the problem isn’t always there. but after finishing a print, and i want to start a new one. i’m sure it wil block after heating the bed and extruder.


When the Z axis comes down you said you hear a noise.
Is the plate that the adjustment screw is mounted to hitting the switch?
If so put some washers between the switch and the plate that holds the switch.

Once again just a guess

Hi Arnevdm,

your connection is probably alright. The command “M109” sets the printer in a non-responsive mode, where it waits for the previously mentioned temperature criterion to be fulfilled. While waiting, it still sends temperature updates every second or so, that’s why you see the temperature rising in Repetier Host.

Check the thermistor, is it mounted correctly? Cold air from an A/C or such blowing towards the printer?

If everything else checks out, you can (auto)tune the PID parameters for the hotend heater, but usually the default values should be ok.
