Problem with VRSSM and Arduni mega

Hello, I just got a beautifull ALLBOT yesterday and I got trouble with the Servo Shield.

Just doing like the documentation say for centering servo, and nothing happens on my arduino mega (shunts position to mega for sure)
If I configure the Shunts to Arduino Uno, I get a valid output on the signal PIN… Weird, it should be the contrary…

And 2nd problem, I got no power on Vin and Ground on the Pin output for all servo…, but If I join with a cable the Ground and 5V output pin on the right part of the Servo Shield to the - / + entry near the sound speaker, , well the board startup with the 4 leds and everythings is working.

So it works but I think I got a real problem with the Servo Shield…

Anyone got a same issue ? It seems it 's a newer product so maybe something really wrong…

Try mounting the battery pack when centering the servos.
There may be a mistake in the instructions.