Problem with VM203

Hello there.

I just bought a VM203 (should be brand new; got it from a retailer) but I’m struggling to get it to… work?

I’ve followed the instructions to install PICkit 2 (v2.61) - and the next step is to connect the VM203 via USB. However, when I connect it Windows gives various error messages (device malfunctioned, unknown device, etc) and obviously PICkit gives the “PICkit 2 not found” error.

The orange power LED does turn on. There’s no blinking.

This happens with both Windows 7 64-bit and Windows XP.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

This may indicate that either the VM203 or the USB cable is defective.

Thanks for the response; I’ll try another USB cable.

Does it make any difference a) if there is/isn’t a PIC installed (I’ve tried both anyway) or b) how the jumpers (J4/J5) are configured?

Thanks again.

There should not be any difference. The PICkit 2 programmer (ID = VM203) should be found without any error messages in both cases when the VM203 is connected and then the PICkit 2 (v2.61) program is run.

In this thread there is some more info about the jumpers J4/J5 setting: