Problem with the y axis

Today I finished building my printer. So I tested if all axis are working.
My Problem is when I try to move my y axis it only makes a loud noise and vibrate but moves just a little step. The x and z axis are working fine.

I Hope you can help me and sorry for my bad english:-)

You may have this problem:
“If the resistance increases in any way when you get close to the any of the panels with the printhead, it is possible that the distance between 2 of the XY CARRIAGE CLAMPS is not correct. You can try to fix this by pushing or pulling these together a bit and seeing if the problem improves”.

Please see also this thread: viewtopic.php?f=62&t=13096

I allready tried this but it gets only a bit better.
The x axis work perfect and the y axis work in the middle perfect too, but in the end of the y axis it gets bad.

Are the belts tighter or looser at the ends?

I dont know. I think they are like the belts in front of the printer.

When you slide the print head from one end to the other
Do you notice if the belt you are sliding it towards flexes?
Not the belt that is moving but the one the print head is moving to.

I cant see that one of the belts is flexing

Got the same Problems as you but i could fix it by more solid tighten the four screws by the Extruder bearing block.

Hope i could help you!

Best regards

I asked an engineer with my Problem. He said that it is not an mechanic Problem. Maybe it is something wrong in the settings, but I dont know what I have to change.

It could be a bad motor driver : try to swap two of them (X and Y for example) ans look what happens. If the problem is now on the X axis then you have a faulty driver.

I swaped the drivers and the problem is still on the y axis. So the driver is ok.

[quote=“Gorb98”]I swapped the drivers and the problem is still on the y axis. So the driver is ok.[/quote]Assuming your belts are not too tight (you’ve tried loosening them to see if there is an improvement?), and that the problem occurs as you move the head towards the end of the axis, then it must be that the rods are not perfectly parallel.

That is the only thing I can think of that will increase resistance as you move towards one end of an X or Y axis. You may also see this if after you move the head towards the problem end of the Y axis, you notice that the belts for the X axis at that end are slightly looser than when the head is at the other end of the Y axis, as moving the head towards the problem forces the Y axis rods apart.

Bonjour, j’ai réussi a résoudre ce problème en coupant le support de l’axe Y et celui de l’axe X.
La modification est a faire d’un seul coté.
Cela rend l’axe non contraint entre ces deux support.
Je n’arrive pas à joindre les photos et documents.

Christian, Rennes , France

Hello, I succeeded has to solve this problem by cutting the support(medium) of the axis Y and that of the axis X.
The modification is has to make of the highly-rated only one.
It returns the not forced axis enter these two support(medium).
I do not arrive has to join(contact) photos and documents.

Christian, Rennes, France

Normalement il suffit d’écarter un peu les supports.
Pour les photos il faut les héberger sur un site spécialisé et mettre le lien fourni dans la balise ‘Img’

Hello elektron,
thanks for your answer. I dont understand what the support(medium) is. Can you please send me a picture or help me what this is?

I made a video of my 3d printer. I think in this video you can see very good what my problem is.

hello Gorb98,
Voici les Images
