Problem with Pc-Lab 2000 LT

I have bought PCSGU250 Scope & Generator.
The sowftare works in demo-mode.
If I connect the hardware it starts calibrating, but stops at 20 %

I tried with 2 computers, Win-Vista, and Win 7.
Its the same problem at both computers.

What can I do?

Best regards,

Have you downloaded the latest software (v1.09) and driver for Windows Vista/7?
If not, you have to download the software and the driver.
Here is the link to download page (the driver package is at the bottom of the page): … U250&type=

Here you can download the detailed step-by-step instructions to install the driver:
Before installing you have to uninstall the current driver.

Here are instructions how to update the driver if you do not remove the current driver first:

You can check the driver version in the Device manager:
The driver version should be

[quote=“PeterKd”]I have bought PCSGU250 Scope & Generator.
The sowftare works in demo-mode.
If I connect the hardware it starts calibrating, but stops at 20 %

I tried with 2 computers, Win-Vista, and Win 7.
Its the same problem at both computers.

What can I do?

Best regards,

First connect the device and run repair for the software, to ensure that it is working properly.
Perform windows drivers update your driver as well as software for PCSGU250 Scope & Generator.

It would be best to follow VEL255’s instructions

I had the same problem as the original poster, and I installed the newest version of the software and drivers. Now, instead of freezing after 20% of the calibration, it freezes at 0%. Any hints?

You may try following:
Delete the file PCSGU250.ini.
If you are using Windows 7 you can find this .ini file in the folder:

When done, run again the PcLab2000LT.

If still problems, then - if possible, try in other PC.

The problem may also be solved by using a self powered USB HUB.
Please see this thread: