Problem with parts K6502 - thermostat with remote control

hello, i have purchased this kit K6502 but i have following problem:

1e problem: the Q1 ( overspanningsbeveiliging V120MA2B ) is not in the kit…

do i need it?

2e problem: the TRAFO1 is different and has 6 connections: on the print are only 4 connections for it. How can i connect it?

can you help please?

Careful, Q1 might look different than the drawing (depends on supplier).

Center connections of the transformer are not used.

OK, there was another component but it looks like a Condenser ( light blue color, round shape , flat )…maybe this is the Q1?

Does the transformer have a back and front or does it not matter?


Yes, that’s the part.

Transformer is a 1:1 type, so there is no primary/secundary

thanks alot!


i have 1 more problem:
the unit works, telephone connection works ok.

but when the thermostat reaches the set temperature the relayswitch goes: off-on-off-on-off-on-off-on… for about 10 to 20 times until the temperature comes well above the set temperature.

can i do something about this?


Do you have the same problem with the night temperature ?
If an assembly problem is not at the cause of troubles (check carefully), then you can increase the hysteresis by reducing R27 and R28 (sorry, no values, please experiment).

yes , i have this problem with day and night temp.

changing the temp. finetune at the bottom does not help.

R27 and R28 are 150 ohm… what do you recommend to try? 100ohm - 50ohm ?



They are 150 Kilo ohm.
Try 120 or even 100K
Please experiment.

hello, it worked!
first i replaced the R27 & R28 with an 120K resistor but still the temp setting was unstable.
so i put for R27 & R28 an 100K resistor and everything is working fine now.
Hopefully it can help other people that have the same problem.

thanks for the very good support!


met vriendelijke groeten,
