Problem with my Y movements, please help!

Hi! As the topic says, my printer are having some issues with the Y movement.
I have lubricated it properly and everything is installed straight and fine. Nevertheless, the engine is not able to move at times and it sounds bad. Look at this video, please!

This looks like an alignment problem.
This link has been a lot of help to many.

Thanks for your reply. But, I really done whatever I can. There is one thing, there is a difference between X and Y belts. The Y is more tens, could it be the problem? Thanks again.

It could be.
Try loosening the the clamps a little.
You should look at that link as well.
From your video it really looks like it is an alignment problem.

I did loos the clamps a little now, it seems to work when in Manual control. I’ll try a print now.
I’ll msg the result :slight_smile:

update… It was working for like a minute, then when the printer moves alot back and forward the “bad sound” appears for a second and then the printer dont know where it is and the print is ruind…

Really need help with this machine guys…
I picked apart everything that has to do with allignment.
And now with no belts on, Y still has resistance. Something I noticed is that the rod between the Y pulleys should be 33.6cm but the smallest I can push together is 33.7cm. Should I cut the rod or what?

Dear ohman92,

basically this sound appears when the stepper motor is not able to move the head and slips.

This happens when the force of the stepper motor is less than the movement force.

I assume that you have aligned the xy carriage properly.

Then you may check the current setting of the stepper motor driver (there is a description here: to ensure a sufficient power of the motor itself.

If this is OK you may remove the short belt from the y-motor and move the carriage by hand in y direction. This should be possible in a smooth and constant movement. I for my self found a problem on which the head was moving partially smoothly and partially hard. On each rotation of the horizontal rods there was a region where I had to provide more force for the head movement. I resolved this problem mainly be releasing the force of the plastic end caps of these rods. Furthermore I found that for my parts I was suffering a small problem with tolerances too. The brass glider for the y-rod was not moving smoothly over the whole length of the y-axis.
A final observation was the effect that even for a very small angular error especially the y-rod became hard to move.

So beside the already given reference for the general alignment you may check a few additional topics. I hope you will find a solution and have some happy printing time.


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Check the end caps for the y axis.
You may need to push them in or out.