Problem with main board

on the main mother board there are 4 control boards. First my X acsis motor didnt work, started to troubleshoot everything, when i swapped 2 op these controllers the motor worked but an other one didnt work anymore. Is there a logic in placing them on the motherboard? Maybe a solution or someone knows this problem? Device is 2 days old.


First check if the reference voltage of the non working stepper driver is correct (see procedure [color=#008040]here[/color]). If needed adjust it and check if it’s working. If not, your stepper driver is defective. It happens (it did to me) : Send a ticket to Velleman ( and ask for a replacement.

A bad computer motherboard or [color=#8080FF]CPU[/color] can cause an assortment of different issues on your computer. Below are just a few of the possible issues you may encounter. It is important to remember that the issues below can also be caused by more than just a bad motherboard and CPU.