I have the K8061 usb interface cart for some time.
Now i wanted to use it again and it dos’nt work anymore.
I checked the K8061 and i discovered that the pic. 16F871 lost his program.
Now my question is , because i have a pickit , if i can get somewhere the bin file from it to upload it again in the 16F871?
It would be a bump if i must buy a new kit only for a empty 16F871.
[quote]I checked the K8061 and i discovered that the pic. 16F871 lost his program.[/quote]The microcontroller is code protected. You can’t read the code with the PICkit.
You can test the microcontroller operation on the K8061 board:
Disconnect the USB cable and connect only the 12V power supply.
LED LD12 should start to flash.
This indicates that the microcontroller IC6 (16F871) is operating.
Sorry, for copyright reasons we never release sourcecode or .hex files.
Have you checked IC6 supply voltage?
The voltage on pins 1, 11 and 32 should be +5V.