Problem with K8056

I’m using the K8056 to switch 4 electrical outlets for 220Volts.
I put a drill machine on one of the electrical outlets of 220Volts and know i get no 220Volts anymore.
The leds on the relai card works.
I also switch of the card for a day but no effect.

What could be the problem why the relays don’t switch?

(sorry for my bad english , i’m from holland).

Best regards.

Do you hear/see the relays switching? If yes: check your solderings or check if you have wired the 230 Volts part according to the manual.

Some switch and some not.
What i do see is that Resitor R20 on the board is burned.
I did’nt measured it of its defect , that i will try tonight,
What exactly do’s the VDR1 to 8 do?

If R20 is burned, then you have drawn a too high current from the +12V output of the card.
The VDR’s protect the relay contacts when e.g. inductive loads are switched.

So it could be that the VDR’s are defect and there for i don’t get 220V at the output and the relai dos’nt switch?

No, this is not possible since these are in parallel with the relay contacts.
If they would be shorted, then it would seem like the relay contact is closed, which is not case.

Ow oke.
So what could also be defect if i don’t get 220V at the output?

Either the relays are not driven or they are defective.
Turn on the relays with the manual button and measure the voltage on the coil. Most likely, there is a power supply problem.