Problem using k8062 drivers on C# aplication

I have downloaded de k8062 drivers and development kit.
My development machine is a Windows 7 64bit.
I have tried the example and works fine (i had to change the project to work with 32bit and set the build to release, if i set it to debug it shows an error).
I have made a C# example from the code. I import the C# project from the project and it works.
I have made an test app and copied the C# class. It runs on IIS 7 and configured the App pool to support 32bit apps.
But when i call the methods it does nothing. It shows no error.
I call the StartDevice method and in the DMX controller the DMX signal light is off, when trying the Destok app the DMX signal light is blinking.
I have tried setting the web build to debug and to release, but nothing. At first it didnt find the dlls but i set an absolute path and now it finds the dlls. But it doesnt work and shows no error.
I have tried setting an identity impersonation to the app pool and use an Administrator account. It doesnt work.
Any help would be appreciated.

The problem may be the DLL doesn’t “find” the K8062E.EXE and its FASTTime32.dll.
Please make sure all these files are in the same folder.

You may also try this new software version for the K8062:
This version is using new USB communication driver.
The files K8062D.DLL and K8062E.EXE are updated to version

Please extract the package to a folder and run the DMX_demo.exe in this folder.

If OK, then you can to copy the files K8062D.DLL, K8062E.EXE and FASTTime32.dll to the Windows subfolder System32.
If you use a 64 bit operating system, copy the files to subfolder SysWOW64

Please see these threads for some more info:

In these threads there is one more possible solution:

Thanks, i have downloaded the new drivers v3 and copied them in system32 and SysWOW64 (i had not copied them in this last folder).
Now it works. But i am in a mess. What is the real location of the dlls for a web application?
If i put them in the bin web application folder, when debug mode enabled and i declare the dlls this way:

private extern static int StartDevice();

It works fine. But if i set the release mode, it shows an error indicating that it cant find the dlls. What location do i have to put the dlls in when release mode? if i put an absolute path to the dll in bin folder on the DllImport function, it works fine. But, of course, i dont want my app to depend of the folder structure.

Note: this error showed before, now copying the new dlls to the SysWOW64 solved the error finding the location. Why does it happen?
why do i have to copy the dlls to system32 or SysWOW64 if i have the dlls in the bin folder? May i delete them from the bin folder?

Thanks for your help

This MSDN article explains the search order for DLLs on Windows: … 85%29.aspx

What kind of web application? What programming language? How do you call the dll in your web application? etc