Problem updating firmware to 2.0 or 2.1.1


I have successfully managed to get the K8200 to respond to repetier and run through the self test. The first prints were not great, though, but this is a different matter.

I now tried to update the firmware to be able to install the z-axis upgrade.
However, this unfortunately does not work.

I downloaded arduino 1.06, selected Mega 2560 /Mega ADK and the correct com port.
I installed a jumper on the prog pins.
15V is connected, as is USB (obviously).
compiling the firmware works. When uploading, the LEDs are flashing.
After upload I start repetier (09, the K8200 version) and still get the Marlin V1 prompt.
I tried redoing that and pushing the reset button, no success.
Same for retrying and power off/power on.

What am I missing here ?



I think your firmware update has been sucessful!

If in doubt, open the file “Language.h” and locate the line that begins with:
#define MSG_M115_REPORT "FIRMWARE_NAME:Marlin V1;…

Change “Marlin V1” to “Marlin V1-Velleman 2.0”.
Recompile, upload and check the startup messages again.
Hopefully the changed startup message will indicate that you are now running the correct firmware.

Hope this helps.

Hi, I tested that and you are absolutely correct. It did update, but I was absolutely confused because the prompt stayed the same.

Thanks a lot for your help.
Now the only real problem remaining is that the print does not adhere to the bed basically ruining the print. but that is a different matter.

Thanks again, at least it it working in theory now.