Just bought a K8048 programmer today. After finaly getting progpic2.exe to regognize my programmer i stumbled into a new problem. Every time I try to read or write something to my pic I get an error “No pic on board! Programmer must be set to pgm mode, pic type mismatched software…”
I tried with multiple pics, but all give this error. When I insert the pic that came with the board and put the board in run mode, a sequence of lights starts to blink, so that means that the programmer reads the chip,so that aint the problem. When I try to write to the chip the programmer is set to program mode, so that aint the problem eather… Please help someone =(!
Extra info: I’m working on a laptop with vista and am using a usb to serial port converter.
Thx in advance!
Edit: When I used picprog2006 I couldn’t read or write to the pic, but the erase pic option seemed to work, caus after using that the pic doesn’t do anything anymore in “Run” mode, meaning it’s empty.