I just finished my first print with the Laywoo-D3 filament.
There are some glitches but they are also on the normal pla.
I gues i have to adjust the x and/or y axis.
The wood filament also had a Problem with sticking on the bed, after many layers have been printed.
So i had to add some tape which helped a bit but isn’t stable either.
The printed object just flips of the bed. (Witch the tape it filps back to its original position in time.)
It probably could be because i put another plate on top of the bed to be more level for bigger objects.
I have heated up the bed to 60 degree.
Normal pla stick perfecly on it.
has anybody a solution i can try?
I already ordered a mirror-print-plate (http://www.2printbeta.de/product_info.php?products_id=200) maybe that suits better.
Here are some pics.