where can i find INI files for repetier for ABS ?
where can i find INI files for repetier for ABS ?
As far as I know, it doen’t exist yet. I am testing it myself still, because this material is very difficult. On this moment ik knowlegded that even the room temperature is important for the configuration.
Also the fact if you make a big or small product effects the deformation of the ABS and the different heat/filament and fan configurations.
I advice Velleman to make a few test products, which will tell the owner which cofiguration must be changed. I have seen what the effects are and what will help to remove the failures. The effects are easy to see and to remove. The difficulty stays that every product has a bit other configuration and even the room temperature as i said is important.
I also await what Velleman will discover for the best configuration.
Best regards,
At monday i had startet to print ABS.
But i had a separat power supply with 24V for the heatbed.
I print on a mirror with kapton tape.
Heatbed 90°C
Fan off
Hotend 230°C
Edit: the ABS i had print is not from Velleman
You print the retro design, cool !
Does the ABS stick well? Will it also work with kapton tape without the mirror, assuming the bed is well leveled?
Yes your retro design is the first part i printet in ABS (and the picture is realy from the first print).
The ABS stick very well on the Kapton, i had problems to lift it up from the bed after the print.
Without mirror i had not tested, because PLA printed with mirror gives bether results than print on the original surface. (For PLS i did not use Kapton)
And levelig the bed is easyer with the mirror.
Interesting setup, eytec!
Can you tell us more about it?
[quote=“eytec”]At monday i had startet to print ABS.
But i had a separat power supply with 24V for the heatbed.
I print on a mirror with kapton tape.
Heatbed 90°C
Fan off
Hotend 230°C
Edit: the ABS i had print is not from Velleman[/quote]
The Mirror is orderd by Amazon, 205x205x1,75mm 180g (amazon.de/Spiegelfliesen-St% … store+2002)
cooling assembly is uploadet here thingiverse.com/thing:160252
Heatbed infos you will find at thingiverse.com/thing:153877
i used the standart_new.ini file . I had only disabled the fan and and set the headbed to 90°C extruder to 230°c
And i use in the moment kapton tape
the mountig screws from the headbed are removed and 4 metal clips (from an officeshop) will hold the frame an mirror together.
I did not use glue, bacase so i can change the mirror to a miror with kapton or a mirror with bluetape.
I think they just added it here
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