Printing too fast /movement too fast


after recalibrating everything, i think that the printer is printing too fast?

Printing with 100% speed

Is the abrupt movement change normal?


I use this and always on full speed:

What you mean is the fast infill movement, I think. That’s normal. The clicking that you hear is the top fan inside moving fast from left to right, it has some backlash.
I replaced this fan for a more silent one.

Did you glue the top fan good enough? Sounds like it’s loose a bit.
FYI these are my settings atm.
Simple stuff with good first layer adhesion is possible to print on 100% with these settings
But it’s turned down a bit to print an “meerkat miniature” figure first attempt it got loose and second attempt I added a brim and turned the slicer speed to 90%. Which worked fine.

On a sidenote: my printer has 4 custom spring mounted feet to reduce crazy ass rattling.

Kind regards

Hi JeAfke,

I notice you have an extra item ‘skin infill’. You work with Repetier V1.6.0. I use (and I think I am not the only one) V1.0.6.
You updated this without any problems?

And with ‘skin infill’ you can manage a better surface?

Sure works without real big issues only thing negative is sometimes it takes the wrong resolution to slice if you select 0.2 but it actually slices at 0.1. Switching from 0.2
And selecting 0.1 and then selecting 0.2 makes it slice correctly then.

Kind regards


Another question: Did you overwrite the old version Repetier in directory /Repetier-Host-Vertex or did you made another directory and imported the setting-profiles?
Where are this profiles being kept, by the way?

In your c:\users#yourusername#\appdata\local\repetier host\ folder are these stored if I remember correctly. Could be in the roaming folder in appdata to not entirely sure, I’m at work so can’t check exact but look inside appdata folder. Appdata folder is a by default hidden folder so you might want to turn hide hidden folders off of in your Explorer settings.

Kind regards

@jeafke + svdv

In this folder, only the cura setttings are.

I exported from the registry the “current user-Software-RepetierVertex-printer” the values, changed in the textfile the path from




and imported the values.

After this, cross check, and repeat this step if supcategory’s are missing.

Just a thought can’t you write a .reg file so all the register stuff from the old is linked into the new repetier host install? This might be far more easy for 99.99% of the vertex users. As you know as well as I do changing registry stuff can be tricky and cause huge issues if done incorrectly.

Kind regards

I reinstalled Repetier Vertex, so every parm should be stock! (check Temperature!!)
Then i only modified the RepetierVertex to Repetier.
You need top copy the Cura folder from your Appdata folder to the new location!!

Please check EVERY setting before Printing!


Can you tell me why this registry action is necessary?
I installed Repetier 1.6.0 besides the old Vertex Repetier 1.0.6, copied the profiles from appdata\local\ to the new folder.
To get my printer-settings I copied the data\custom-ini from old to new folder and I think everything is fine now.

Do I miss this registry change?

Hello svdv
first am sorry for my poor English!!
i should want to know where do you find the profiles from appdata\local\
and data\custom-ini

because i can’t find it!!! am stupid !!!
i should want to install repetier 1.6.0 but i don’ t know exactly how to do

many thanks for your answer and wish you happy new year!!


As JeAfke explained before:

If you can’t find it, don’t forget to turn hidden folders off…

And the custom.ini in C:\Program Files\Repetier-Host-Vertex\data

thanks for your answer