Printer won't start prints

Hi guys

I just bought a second hand k8200 from my old school and used it properly there so I know that it does work. I have been able to get some successful prints but now for some reason whenever I start a print the bead and hot end will heat up, get to temperature, go to park position and then sit there indefinitely. A couple of times it has done this and then started to print in about half an hour, but now it won’t start at all. I have tried resetting the heaters, thermistors, and repetire host but none of that seems to do anything. There was a whole host of other issues that were present when I used it at school, but this was never one of them. It would always heat up then start straight away. The only thing that I can think of is that I am using a newer version of Repetire. Any help would be great.

You could download and try this version.
It is configured for the K8200

Hi there, I have installed the new (older) version of repeteir and it works well with the printer, except for the fact that the hot end now takes ages to heat up, a few degrees per minute at best until about 30, which took well over half an hour, then heats up normally to the desired temperature. Because of this, I have not yet been able to actually start a print. Also, I am running at very low FPS inside of repetier, something that I have never come across before, and shouldn’t be an issue give the specs of my computer (Ggtx 1070). Also repetier is giving me an eta on the print of 18 hours, when before it said it was around an hour and a half.

This is strange.
Did you slice with 0.95F?

Yeah, I did. Another issue as well has occurred, I can no longer slice with Slic3r through repetier. I can open Slic3r and the load the gcode, but not all through repetier. It comes up with an error box that says generated G-code not found. Additionally, I now have this error appearing in the log: Serial com error:System.IO.Ports.SerialErrorReceivedEventArgs

For the slicer error I made a folder in the root of my C drive and called it temp.
Then under in the Config drop down at the top of the screen Repetier General Settings I pointed Workdirectory to that temp folder.
Open the printer settings top right check the correct Com Port is selected
Baud rate = 250000
Reset on Connect = Disabled

I just had a thought.
Is the thermistor properly mounted in the heat block?
Could you post a picture of it?