Hey! New time here. I’ve been having some issues with my new K8200 3d printer… I’ve tried with multiple laptops, different baud rates, and different cache sizes. But I can’t get this “stutter” to go away. It’ll be printing away, and then, it stops for a framed second and then goes. It would be fine if the computer detected this and sent the code it missed, but nope, it just forgets it ever got it and continues with the next set of code, causing it to steer off course. I have a video to demonstrate this. (I know the height is way to high, i need to get a piece of glass to flatten the bed. Its risen about 1-2mm in the middle and has issues sticking. This is easy to solve. I’m more worried about this part which happens 0:30 seconds in)
It looks like your video card may be the problem with the pausing.
On the top of the screen in Repetier click on Show Filament so there is a line going through it.
You will not get the animation of the print but that should stop the pausing of the printer/
[quote=“Wrong Way”]First thing you can not print that far from the bed.
You need to calibrate the Z axis Use the instructions in this link. http://www.k8200.eu/manual/printing/?c=003
It looks like your video card may be the problem with the pausing.
On the top of the screen in Repetier click on Show Filament so there is a line going through it.
You will not get the animation of the print but that should stop the pausing of the printer/[/quote]
I know its too high off the bed, this is just for testing purposes.
I’ve tried with a GTX 980M on one laptop (MSI gaming) and my home dell laptop, issues happen on both laptops. But i will try that.
[quote=“Wrong Way”]First thing you can not print that far from the bed.
You need to calibrate the Z axis Use the instructions in this link. http://www.k8200.eu/manual/printing/?c=003
It looks like your video card may be the problem with the pausing.
On the top of the screen in Repetier click on Show Filament so there is a line going through it.
You will not get the animation of the print but that should stop the pausing of the printer/[/quote]
So, I tried the fix, and it reduces the stuttering but doesn’t fix it…
I also notice the motors trying to activate and being very stiff when the printer is just sitting (Goes: Click, click, and bed is im-movable)
So what the heck is the issue here? The Z axis is at the proper height… (Just letting you know)
The motors go into detente mode when you pause the printer or it kill a job.
In the software there should be a “Turn Motor Off” button.
What did you set the motor drivers to?