I have problems with printing, the first layers look fine but then the PLA is getting thinner, there is not a even flow of polymer. It looks like this: plus.google.com/photos?banner=p … 9823110983
I have played with temperature settings, I have dismantled the extruder and checked if anything is blocking the PLA, the temperature sensor sits in the right position and the temperature diagram shows me even temperature of 190 degrees.
Have you checked your feedrate settings? And the settings for filament, are they correct (diametre etc.)? Are the extruder “grabbing” the PLA as it should?
so I hope this picture will be accessible: s18.postimg.org/bsdp94z55/DSC_2311.jpg
I have RepHost Version 0.84 in combination with Slicer 0.9.8. I have used the standard settings provided. I didn’t alter anything when problems showed up. I have reinstalled everything and as I already mentioned, cleaned the extruder nozzle and checked the temperature sensor.
Slicer settings are:
PRINT SETTINGS: Layer height 0.2 mm, first layer 3.5, perimeters 3
FILAMENT SETTINGS: Diameter 3 mm, Extruder multiplier 1.05, Extruder temp first layer 205, other layers 200, Bed both 50 degrees.
Try lowering the extruder to 190C and raise the bed temp to 190.
Make sure the bed is clean and grease free (use alcohol to clean the bed)
Make sure the Z axis is properly calibrated.
Hello again, I have played with the temperature of the extruder, heating from 190 up to 210, didn’t make a difference. Usually I turn the heated bed off anyway and do use some tape which is turned out to be better for the PLA to stick to the bottom.
from the picture, I’d suspect that there’s a problem with the extruder and/or hotend.
The red frog on the photo, did you print that with the same printer? In other words, did the printer work previously, or has this error been there from the beginning?
Did you print ABS or any other material?
How about the hobbed bolt, is it clean? Or are there filament chips inside the notches, possibly causing slip? Any signs of slip on the filament? How much did you tighten the spring, more than half the way or less?
Had the same probleme today!
By turning the extruder gear, the filament comes out with bubbels and at a very low feed rate and sometimes no feed. Have increase the temperture to 270 and try to give manual feed with the extruder gear … it was not better! Then I have pushed a needle in the nozzle trying and hoping to clear the hole and yes a few bubbles with black burned plastic came out, afterwards the extruder is working again fine.