Print shifting during print and ruining print

Not sure what is happening??? Aghhhhhh! had a 3 hour print about 2 1/2 hours in printing beautifully and out of no where the print shifte about 5mm to the left throwing the whole print out of wack. nothing was touched, bumped, or changed. Anyone have any ideas why this would do this? It did this on the first layer but then righted its self so I thought nothing of it but now it’s done it 2 hours later.

if there is some photo or footage of what the printer does, that would go a long way.
I have a similar problem, when printing a 197mm^3 object, in less than 1 hr;
due to inconsistent flowrate, sometimes material ‘splodges’ out of nozzle, creating drip areas which are higher than layerheight;
this in turn causes the print job to collide with the nozzle (even with apropos retract setting or sensor),
which further causes the job to jump or shift alignment.

Other problems can be;
poor mesh (I recommend using Blender and the Netfabb mesh correct, or manually ensuring manifold et poly divisible)
you can manually correct and check this by looking at the post-slic3r path — I had this problem especially on earlier polychora et tetrahedron tip print.
cumulative wall error (there is now options to auto-correct this on the fly in the G-Code)
cooling error (the material cools haphazardment, leading to sagging and material clumping in some places but not others)
vibration error during movement
inconsistent feedrate or flowrate - this is especially the case near the end of a spool or on smaller spools

Good luck, I look forward to seeing what it is you can make
and, even the best tune setup can have some problem,
|we still are at a cutting edge at the moment of what can be done in these scales…
until ablative and scintilated systems are cheap in home.|

if there is some photo or footage of what the printer does, that would go a long way.
I have a similar problem, when printing a 197mm^3 object, in less than 1 hr;
due to inconsistent flowrate, sometimes material ‘splodges’ out of nozzle, creating drip areas which are higher than layerheight;
this in turn causes the print job to collide with the nozzle (even with apropos retract setting or sensor),
which further causes the job to jump or shift alignment.

Other problems can be;
poor mesh (I recommend using Blender and the Netfabb mesh correct, or manually ensuring manifold et poly divisible)
you can manually correct and check this by looking at the post-slic3r path — I had this problem especially on earlier polychora et tetrahedron tip print.
cumulative wall error (there is now options to auto-correct this on the fly in the G-Code)
cooling error (the material cools haphazardment, leading to sagging and material clumping in some places but not others)
vibration error during movement
inconsistent feedrate or flowrate - this is especially the case near the end of a spool or on smaller spools

Good luck, I look forward to seeing what it is you can make
and, even the best tune setup can have some problem,
|we still are at a cutting edge at the moment of what can be done in these scales…
until ablative and scintilated systems are cheap in home.|[/quote]Thanks for the nice reply. Sorry I don’t have any video of the issue but I can say the nozzle hit nothing nor any snags, the print was going so well. As I am new to 3d printing this is my first machine and only just got it up and running and as such I have been watching it like a hawk. It literally out of now where shifted the whole print 4mm to the left very strange. I went through each layer to see if anything changed and I can’t see anything, I will say this is my largest print so far so??? I don’t know I have started a new print and will be watching it closely again fingers crossed it doesn’t do this again. wish me luck maybe a it was just a fluke. anyone with any ideas please chime in.

Hi I had this problem and heard that it may be when the computer goes into sleep or stand by mode so might be worth switching it all so it doesn’t go into sleep mode, touch wood I have not had it since this

Well my just did it again and this time I was watching very closely I now know what the cause is. It is when it is trying to bridge a gap and just a little lip from the PLA bending up catches the print and is throwing it off. So is there a way to pause the print and reset the next layer??? Or are there any ways to prevent this?