Print gets weird on top

The top of the print comes out as a blobby mess and also how do i calibrate bridges?

I would appreciate if someone could tell me how to fix it. :slight_smile:

It looks that it’s a very small area you have on the top. It’s partly melted because the head stays at the same spot while printing.
To avoid this you can activate the “Cool head lift” function in the Cura ‘extrusion/cooling’ parameters. It reduces the melting but induces stringing. It’s then a hard choice… Other solution is to print 2 similar objects.
There’s no specific setting for the bridges in Cura, only in Slic3r. Try increasing the speed.

[quote=“raby”]It looks that it’s a very small area you have on the top. It’s partly melted because the head stays at the same spot while printing.
To avoid this you can activate the “Cool head lift” function in the Cura ‘extrusion/cooling’ parameters. It reduces the melting but induces stringing. It’s then a hard choice… Other solution is to print 2 similar objects.
There’s no specific setting for the bridges in Cura, only in Slic3r. Try increasing the speed.[/quote]

I can see that it does go slower on the top can i make it go the same speed?

Yes but it’s not suitable as the layer hasn’t enough time to cool down (to do it, lower the minimum layer time in the Filament settings). You’d better use the Cool head lift function .

Yes but it’s not suitable as the layer hasn’t enough time to cool down (to do it, lower the minimum layer time in the Filament settings). You’d better use the Cool head lift function .[/quote]
Higher speed doesnt help and Cool head lift makes the print extremely do you have any other ideas? As my older printer didnt do it. :slight_smile:

You could try setting the extruder temp to 190C

Is it just me, or does it seem that the smaller a print area, the smaller the optimal flow rate? The photo shown here resembles something I’m currently tracking down on my own printer, namely the less print area on a given layer, the lower the best flow rate seems to be. In printing a pyramid/cone-shaped object, I’ve found that normal flow rate gives results similar to this photo - gloppy when below a certain print area, and dialing it down a few percents makes the smaller portion print nicely, but causes gaps in the lower/wider areas. I could be wrong, it’s just a suspicion that I’m currently trying to test for, certainly a technical reason escapes me at the moment, but has anyone else sensed this?

I have the exact same experience, when using lower flow rate!

EDIT: Tried the Velleman modified Repetier “Slic3r” and “CuraEngine”, Mac Repetier “Slic3r”, Mac Cura