Precise nozzlehead distance


Anybody have a gues at the correct distance from nozzle to head bed. I really dont like the paper method.

I have bought a set og feelergauges. Right now i have set 0,1mm. Seems to work ok.

Regards Tommy

Have done this also with a feelergauge (already had one for my older cars) & adjusted the distance to 0,35mm as written in the manual. Works perfekt!

Do you have to read the manual???


I haven´t build my vertex my self, so i havent read it so carefully. Just saw the paper folded 2 times method. (4 layers) I mesured paper folded 4 times todag. 0,39mm. I just calibrated at 0,40mm. It works, but i will try 0,35 later today.

0.35 mm is the diameter of the extruded filament so if the disance between nozzle and bed is 0.35 mm the filament won’t be squeezed on the bed and won’t stick very well. 0.2 mm if far better to get your object sticking.

I am just wondering.

We adjust zero to i.e. 0,20mm. Above the bed. The the first layer is printed at 0,20mm. So in total vi have 0,40mm of clearance from nozzle to bed for the first layer.


[quote=“Fer”]We adjust zero to i.e. 0,20mm. Above the bed. The the first layer is printed at 0,20mm. So in total vi have 0,40mm of clearance from nozzle to bed for the first layer.
[/quote]It’s not what happens. The head-bed distance is supposed to be the right distance for your first layer. Choosing 0.2 mm allows for some irregularities of the bed surface meaning the distance may vary from place to place. Of course if you’re printing with 0.1 mm layers your first layer will still be 0.2 mm high.

A standard sheet of paper is 100 microns thick, so a folded one would be 200 microns, or 0.2mm. So everything corroborates the 0.2mm distance, even the clunky paper method.

I’ve had the same problem with the folded paper.

Now i’m using a business card. Works perfect for me!

I also set it to 0.2mm. This also works for ABS (large prints only with heated bed because of warping). If you’re going closer the print wil stick to hard to the bed and damages the Buildtak sticker.
The only problem i have is a warped alu bed, in the middle it is slightly higher. I solved this bij replacing the la bed with a heated bed (alu).