Power supply for K8000

Do I need a power supply for the K8000 when connecting it to a computer and a K8005 with stepper motor and power supply?

Is the K8000 a sink or source?

Yes, K8000 needs to be powered.
K8000 outputs are open collector outputs, so they ‘sink’ current.

Will one of your 12V AC adapters do the trick?

No, K8000 is 110/230VAC powered.

What kind of power supply will I need to run this? it will be connected to a computer and a K8005 with 12v AC +Stepper motor

Please check my previous post:
K8000 runs on 110/230VAC.

Yes I saw that, I am wary of plugging a mains supply into an open circuit board, why does it need such a high voltage? does it not get tuned down at some point? is there any way around plugging a mains voltage supply into the K8000.
