Power LED not working - K8048


I bought a k8048 board but I am having prblems getting it to work. I have double checked all the components are in the correct place/orientation.
I am brand new to all this and have a few questions:

  1. The power LED never lights up, but if I flick the switch to Prog or Run the others do. What could be the possible cuases of this?
  2. I did not get the full quota of LED’s with the kit (actaully I might have lost a couple) I have not soldered all the ouput control LED’s in as I thought they probably wouldnt be absolutely necessary. Would this prevent the board from working?
  3. Is there a way to detect whether or not the board is connected to the PC rather than just try to read/write to the PIC?
  4. Is there a way to use MPLAB to write to the K8048?
  5. If i use PicProg 2006 to write a hex file to the borad I get the error message “error writing to PIC”. What are the possible causes of this message?

Any help/hints/tips to any of the above would be much appreciated.

Many thanks.

If even the power LED doesn’t work, there must be a hardware problem and it’s normal that the programmer doesn’t work.
So please check again all connections.

You can’t use MPLAB directly, Microchip support only there own programmers and tools, not 3rd party.