I bought a k8048 board but I am having prblems getting it to work. I have double checked all the components are in the correct place/orientation.
I am brand new to all this and have a few questions:
- The power LED never lights up, but if I flick the switch to Prog or Run the others do. What could be the possible cuases of this?
- I did not get the full quota of LED’s with the kit (actaully I might have lost a couple) I have not soldered all the ouput control LED’s in as I thought they probably wouldnt be absolutely necessary. Would this prevent the board from working?
- Is there a way to detect whether or not the board is connected to the PC rather than just try to read/write to the PIC?
- Is there a way to use MPLAB to write to the K8048?
- If i use PicProg 2006 to write a hex file to the borad I get the error message “error writing to PIC”. What are the possible causes of this message?
Any help/hints/tips to any of the above would be much appreciated.
Many thanks.