Power extender

Hi, can anyone tell me, what connection I am supposed to bridge on the repreap power extender, normal or inverted, this is the link to the extender: s923.photobucket.com/user/deafol … t=3&page=1
Thank you

Hi, it looks like the normal is linked on the photo. That is correct for if you are wanting to use it for the heated bed (no changes needed).

Hi, thanks for the reply, I tried it on normal and I get nothing, hot bed does not get hot and the LED on the extender does not go on, when on inverted hot bed gets hot LEd lights up, but I cannot control the temperature, I have set printer and extruder settings to 50 degrees and also changed it in cura, but it sails right past 50 degrees and carries on rising above 100 degrees, I don’t think this is safe, if I cant control the temperature. any ideas please

Have a look at the picture below and check if you got it wired like in the picture (it’s from the 8400 but it’s the same for the 8200).

Hi, that’s what I used to do the wiring, what worries me is on the back of the extender are 2 places to make a bridge, normal or inverted, if I use normal as I was told nothing works, if I use inverted the hot bed works and I can see the temperature rising in repetier, but I cannot control it, so if I set 50 degrees as my hot bed temp it will go past that and carry on to over 100 degrees

Can you switch the bed on and off using the manual command?

hi, no, only way I can switch the bed off is at the plug socket

Looks like you have an issue with your board. Try switching it on and off without the heatbed connector plugged in. See if the red led lights up and down. If not try reloading the Marlin firmware using Arduino 1.0.6 (and not 1.6.0).