Porosité sur la surface


Nouveau propriétaire d’une K8400, j’ai quelques problèmes avec l’état de surface:


Le moteur Pas à Pas d’entrainement est bien à 0.91V. J’ai essayé avec différentes configs rien ne change…

Des idées?


New owner of a K8400. I have many problème with the surface condition. (cf photo)
The voltage motor is good :0.91V. I try different configs but the problem is the same.

Do you have an idea?


Looks like you’re simply over extruding and possibly running a little hot.

When you over extrude, you can see the excess filament form small ridges usually on the trailing side of the print head. In bad cases it can make a ridge either side of the print head. When the head returns for the next layer, it “bumps” across these layers, meaning that the next layer is also bad and bumpy, and so on. If you listen sometimes you can actually hear it hitting these little ridges.

Just reduce your flow rate until you get a perfectly smooth first layer. You must get that initial layer as perfect as you possibly can. No gaps, no ridges. You will always be able to see the lines, but it should feel pretty much smooth (about same roughness as a finger print).

If it’s coming out a bit unevenly you can always try lowering the temperature slightly. BTW, you can do this as it prints, but remember the changes are not applied instantly, they might only apply on the subsequent layer.

Have fun - I promise you can and should get fantastic quality prints from the Vertex!

Biscuitlad a tout dit. Les valeurs par défaut sont un peu élevées. Diminue la T° à 195-200° et le flow à 75-80% (dépend du filament). Il faut aussi que la distance tête-lit soit d’environ 0.2 mm