Relais 1, 3 and 4 are NOT staying in there position.
Relais 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 are good and stay on when turned on.
The remote controller is an K-8058.
I want all the relais to stay ON by one klick of the remote, and then turn OFF by the next klick of the remote.
The problem is that some of the relais stay ON and some don’t.
Greatz Marcel.
Please check the manual of the K8058. It explains how to select pulse/toggle mode for each relay output. Some of your outputs are configured as toggle, others as pulse.
Thank you for the information.
Must it be done by computer, because I don’t have the right cabel yet.
Greatz Marcel.
July 10, 2007, 7:21am
No, it can be done from the remote control K8058.
Thank you very much for your answers.
I wil read the instructions and then I will try it.
I have them both, the 8056 and the 8058.
Greatz Marcel.