PicProg supported PIC chips

I am using the K8048RS board with PicProg2009 v and I have noticed that when I select a chip type there is a green or yellow checkmark next to the part number. I assume that this inidcates how well the part is supported by the software, but what specifically does this mean? I am trying to select a chip type to buy for my project. I would like to know which parts will work well, and why I should avoid some part numbers. -mikeu


I think I saw on this board somewhere.
The chips marked in green do work with the K8048.
The ones marked in yellow may or may not work.

Some other things you need to know about this kit.
You need a native serial port USB to RS232 will not work.
You need a straight through cable (not a null modem)
You need either a non regulated 12 volt power supply or a regulated 15 volt power supply.

If you are new to PICs it’s best to start with the supplied demo’s that come with the software and change those around first.

Thank you for the prompt response. The chips are fairly inexpensive so I’m willing to take a chance. I was just wondering what kind of trouble I might see using a chip that is not fully supported.

[quote=“Wrong Way”]Hi,

I think I saw on this board somewhere.
The chips marked in green do work with the K8048.
The ones marked in yellow may or may not work.

Some other things you need to know about this kit.
You need a native serial port USB to RS232 will not work.
You need a straight through cable (not a null modem)
You need either a non regulated 12 volt power supply or a regulated 15 volt power supply.

If you are new to PICs it’s best to start with the supplied demo’s that come with the software and change those around first.[/quote]

Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

I’m pretty sure that yellow means “should work” based on similarity with the actually tested PICs.